Senin, 18 Maret 2013

karangan bebas - bahasa inggris

nama :muhamamad najmi yusuf 

 the first humans lived for pleasure. among others in love. every man must have felt the love but not normal human beings. love like it's embedded with each of the two parties. love can make life beautiful and buruk.Cinta is great interest that does not make sense, so that a spirit of togetherness as the pair strive to produce offspring yangmelanjutkan kehidupan.Kasih love is a conscious decision to make a personal choice together with someone as a friend of a raise life.

soft skills - bahasa inggris(economy)

NPM  : 15212014   - MANAJEMEN

I'll identifies economic development in Indonesia. Indonesia is currently optimistic economic growth meningkat.dengan growth and increasing national income we can see the development and progress in other countries. with national income per year Indonesia is able to provide kemajuan.memang hell when compared to other countries Indonesia country still very disappointed by the other developed countries.

troubleshooting problems in developing countries is still quite difficult to handle as the National Income per capita country of Indonesia is most often used to measure the level of economic well-being of the population in the country, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. Indonesia poverty rate in the country is still fairly high that the country is hard to get ahead.

of many problems in developing countries. Indonesia is still practically difficult to become a developed country but nothing is impossible if the Indonesian state to change and organize from now the world can know that Indonesia could become a very good country and advanced amin