Indonesian education
Indonesian education began to be considered by the government, the government was serious about Indonesia.Kita education should offer our praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God.
Nowadays education in some parts of Indonesia has menjalangkan free education. This had a positive impact, especially for the people who have low levels of the economy. They've been able to taste the world of education for everyone once considered expensive and phenomena arise and educational paradigms that belong only to the rich, the poor are prohibited from school.
Education in Indonesia is a polimik that will not go out. Today many agencies are sarcastic and questioning. Is welfare provided by the government in the field of education is directly proportional to the expected results?
For educators who meet the qualifications awarded in the form of salary two times base salary when they have the title of teacher or teaching professional. The teachers, educators flocked to achieve status and recognition tersbut without thinking "Are they worth mendaptkan it?
Not a few of the several teachers who have earned that status through a prescribed procedure. However, people are anxious to see the reality stout teachers who have earned professional status as a teacher did not show a significant change to the development of their learners. Call it making the learning they are not experts there who can not even make the learning at all.